Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015

Table Manners Serving Etiquette

Table Manners

Serving Etiquette

Formal Meals
  • Food is brought to each diner at the table;
  • The server presents the platter or bowl on the diner's left,
(Alternatively, plates are prepared in the kitchen and then brought to the table and set before the diners.)
Casual Meals
  • the host will dish food onto guests' plates to pass around the table; or
  • the diners help themselves to the food and pass it to others as necessary.
Using Serving Utensils. Some general guidelines for using serving utensils:
  • Serving utensils are placed on the right side of serveware;
  • When a serving spoon and serving fork are presented together, the spoon is laid on the right ready to cut and lift and the fork on the left to steady and hold.
  • The utensils are returned to the platter or serving bowl in the same position.
  • When a serving spoon is presented on an underplate, after use the utensil is replaced in the bowl (ready for the next person to use).
  • To protect the hand, the blade of a carving knife faces inward.

How to Eat Tricky Vegetables

How to Eat Tricky Vegetables


Hot asparagus is usually served with melted butter or hollandaise, cold asparagus with vinaigrette. Unless asparagus is a vegetable accompaniment to a dish, or covered in sauce, it should be eaten with the fingers. The asparagus spear should be picked up towards the end of the stem, dipped in any accompanying sauce and lowered into the mouth, bite by bite. There's no need to chew through the tough, woody ends of the stems; they should be left neatly on the side of the plate.


Avoid turning over your fork and using it as a scoop; instead, squash the peas on to the back of the fork. Utilise any aids on your plate, such as mashed potato. Scoop with an upturned fork in more casual or solitary situations.


The leaves of an artichoke should be peeled off one by one, starting with the outer leaves. Hold each leaf by its pointy tip and dip the base in the butter or sauce. Eat just the tender, rounded base of each leaf, and leave the rest. Place discarded leaves on the side of the plate. When you reach the centre, the smaller leaves and hairy choke can be cut away to reveal the heart. This is cut into pieces and eaten with a knife and fork.

Table Manners Bread and Butter Etiquette

Table Manners

Bread and Butter Etiquette

Bread is most often placed on the table in a basket that everyone shares.
  • If the bread is placed in front of you, feel free to pick up the basket and offer it to the person on your right.
  • If the loaf is not cut, cut a few pieces, offer them to the person to your left, and then pass the basket to your right.
  • Do not touch the loaf with your fingers, instead use the clothe in the bread basket as a buffer to steady the bread as you slice it.
  • Place the bread and butter on your butter plate - yours is on your left - then break off a bite sized piece of bread, put a little butter on it, and eat it.
  • Don't butter the whole piece of bread and then take bites from it.
  • Don't hold your bread in one hand and a drink in the other, and
  • Don't take the last piece of bread without first offering it to others.                                                                                                                                   In some restaurants, olive oil is served with bread. Dip your bite-sized pieces of bread in the oil and eat.Because butter is produced in rectangle form, and the butter knife is made with a dull blade to slice butter and a pointed tip to transfer cubes of butter to the plate.

Table Manners Passing Food

Table Manners

Passing Food

  • Food should be passed to the right - but the point is for the food to be moving in only one direction.
  • One diner either holds the dish as the next diner takes some food, or he hands it to the person, who then serves herself.
  • Any heavy or awkward dishes are put on the table with each pass.
  • Cream pitchers and other dishes with handles should be passed with the handle toward the person receiving them.
  • If a platter for sharing is present it is passed around the table, with each diner holding it as the person next to him serves himself, using only the serving utensils provided.                     

    Salt and Pepper Etiquette

    Taste Before Salting. Be sure to taste the food before putting salt or pepper on it.
    Pass Salt and Pepper Together. Always pass salt and pepper together. If a person asks for just one, pass both anyway.
    Saltcellars. Some hostesses prefer to use saltcellars, which salt shakers have largely replaced.
    • If there is no spoon in the saltcellar, use the tip of a clean knife to take some salt.
    • If the salt­cellar is for you alone, you may either use the tip of your knife or you may take a pinch with your fingers.
    • If it is to be shared with others, never use your fingers or a knife that is not clean.
    • Salt you have taken from the cellar should be put on the bread-and-butter plate or on the rim of whatever plate is before you.

Table Manners Napkin Etiquette

Table Manners

Napkin Etiquette

Placing the Napkin in Your Lap. Wait for the host or hostess to take his or her napkin off the table and place it in his or her lap. (An exception to this rule is buffet-style meals, where you should unfold your napkin when you start eating)
Unfolding the Napkin. Unfold your napkin in one smooth motion without "snapping" or "shaking" it open.
The size determines how you unfold a napkin in your lap.
  1. Large napkins provided at more formal dinners, are unfolded halfway.
  2. Smaller napkins are unfolded completely and cover the lap fully.
Tucking the Napkin. Don't tuck a napkin into your collar, between the buttons of your shirt, or in your belt.
When messy finger food is served before tucking the napkin under the chin or tying it around the neck, look to the host to see if he does the same.
Using the Napkin. Use your napkin frequently during the meal to blot or pat, not wipe, your lips. Blot your lips before taking a drink of your beverage-especially if you're a woman wearing lipstick.

Napkin Rings. If a napkin ring is present, after removing your napkin, place the ring to the top-left of the setting. At the end of the meal, grasp the napkin in the center, pull it through the ring, and lay it on the table with the point facing the center of the table.

Temporarily Leaving the Table. When leaving the table temporarily, put your napkin on your chair. If the chair is upholstered, place the napkin soiled side up.

Placing the Napkin at the End of the Meal. At the meal's end:
  • The napkin is loosely folded at the end of the meal.
  • If a plate is in the center of your place setting, when leaving the table lay the napkin to the left of the plate.
  • If the center of your place setting is empty, the napkin is laid in the middle of the place setting.
  • Leave your napkin in loose folds that keep soiled parts hidden.
  • If after-dinner coffee is served at the table, the napkin remains in the lap.

Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

How to Use Chopsticks

How to Use Chopsticks

If your chopstick technique is unreliable and you find yourself asking for a fork when in a restaurant it would be a good idea to practise at home.

Hold the chopsticks parallel in one hand. Your thumb and forefinger hold and manipulate the top stick. Your middle finger rests between the sticks, keeping the bottom stick held still. The top stick is manoeuvred by the thumb and forefinger to grip food and bring it to your mouth.

Place your chopsticks by the right-hand side of your plate when you are not using them; you may be provided with special rests. Never use chopsticks to pass food to people, and never use them to point at other people.

How to Use Cutlery

How to Use Cutlery
A knife should be held firmly in your right hand, with the handle tucked into your palm, your thumb down one side of the handle and your index finger along the top (but never touching the top of the blade). It should never be eaten off or held like a pencil.
When used with a knife or spoon, the fork should be held in the left hand, in much the same way as the knife, with the prongs facing downwards. On its own, it is held in the right hand, with the prongs facing upwards, resting on the fingers and secured with the thumb and index finger.
A spoon is held in the right hand, resting on the fingers and secured with the thumb and index finger. Food should be eaten off the side of the spoon; it should never be used at a right angle to the mouth.
When eating, bring the fork or spoon to the mouth, rather than lowering the head towards the food. Bring the food promptly to the mouth and do not gesticulate with the knife and fork.
Cutlery should be rested on the plate/bowl between bites, and placed together in the bottom-centre when you are finished.
Never gesture with your cutlery, and don't scrape or clatter it noisily against your plate or bowl. Equally, it is bad manners to loudly clank your utensils against your teeth.


Whether it is a formal dinner or a much more casual occasion, the basic rules do not vary when laying the table. Give each person as much elbow room as the table permits. Leave an even amount of space between places. Knives and spoons go on the right, forks on the left. Formally, it is correct always to lay side plates – even if they are not going to be used – with the napkins simply folded on them.
The range of a cutlery arsenal will depend on the formality of the occasion, but the layout should always be the same - fork to the left, knives and spoons to the right. Work from the outside inwards, course by course, finishing with pudding implements. Pudding spoons and forks may sit above the place setting on less formal occasions, or may be brought out when the main course has been cleared.
Always eat puddings with a spoon and fork (both should always be laid); the spoon should be a dessert spoon. Ice cream may be eaten with a teaspoon, or a long teaspoon if served in a tall glass. Sorbet, served between courses, is eaten with a teaspoon.

Basic Rules of Table Manners

Basic Rules of Table Manners
A few tips and rules for basic table manners...
Napkins should be placed on the lap as soon as you are seated. When you get down from the table, leave the napkin, unfolded on the table, to the left of the place setting.
Sit a comfortable distance away from the table, so that with the elbows bent the hands are level with the knives and forks.
Sit up straight, sit square with hands in the lap and do not fidget. Do not put elbows on the table.
If you are served a meal that is already on the plate, wait until everyone has been served before picking up your cutlery, unless invited by your host to start.
Make sure others have been offered anything they might want from the table, such as butter, water, salt or pepper. Help yourself last and never stretch across people.
Do not begin eating until everyone has been served, unless the host or hostess gives their permission for diners to start.
Eat at a relaxed pace and pace yourself to match your fellow diners.
Keep your mouth closed and try to avoid making noises of any kind while eating, either with implements against the plate or teeth, or with actual ingestion of the food, eg slurping soup.
Talking while there is food in your mouth should be avoided at all costs - even when you have a conversational gem up your sleeve.
When you have finished, place your knife and fork - with the tines facing upwards - together on your plate.
If you are confronted with a plateful that is not to your taste, try to soldier on to avoid hurt feelings. Always compliment the cook.

Table Manners Continental Style v. American Style

Table Manners

Handling Utensils

In most situations, following the "outside-in" rule will tell you which knife, fork, or spoon to use at the dinner table.
  • Use utensils on the outside first and work your way inward with each new course that is served.

Continental Style v. American Style

(for right-handed dinners)

Continental Style

Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward.
continental fork
Hold your knife in your right hand, an inch or two above the plate. Extend your index finger along the top of the blade.
continental knifeUse your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.
If your knife is not needed, it remains on the table.

American Style

Hold your fork like a pencil, with the shank extended between your thumb and index and middle fingers. Your fourth and fifth fingers rest in your hand.
For leverage, the index finger is extended along the back of the fork, as far from the tines as possible.
american style
Hold the knife with the handle cupped in the palm of your left hand, along with your third, fourth, and fifth fingers. Place your second finger on the back of the blade. Hold your thumb against the side of the handle.

The Real Table Manner Meaning

Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are to be enforced.
Every Country Has the differences table manner when have Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. for instance in United Kingdom  the host or hostess takes the first bite unless he or she instructs otherwise. The host begins after all food is served and everyone is seated. Food should always be tasted before salt and pepper are added. Applying condiments or seasoning before the food is tasted is viewed as an insult to the cook, as it shows a lack of faith in the cook's ability to prepare a meal. In religious households, a family meal may commence with saying Grace, or at dinner parties the guests might begin the meal by offering some favourable comments on the food and thanks to the host. In a group dining situation it is considered impolite to begin eating before all the group have been served their food and are ready to start.
It is impolite to reach over someone to pick up food or other items. Diners should always ask for items to be passed along the table to them.In the same vein, diners should pass those items directly to the person who asked.It is also rude to slurp food, eat noisily or make noise with cutlery.
When one has finished eating, this should be communicated to other diners and waiting staff by placing the knife and fork together on the plate, with the fork on the left, its tines facing upwards. Napkins should be placed unfolded on the table when the meal is finished.
At family meals, children are often expected to ask permission to leave the table at the end of the meal.
Should a mobile telephone (or any other modern device) ring or if a text message is received, the diner should ignore the call. In exceptional cases where the diner feels the call may be of an urgent nature, he should ask to be excused, leave the room and take the call (or read the text message) out of earshot of the other diners.

North America

utensils necessary for dining. Only utensils which are to be used for the planned meal should be set. Even if needed, hosts should not have more than three utensils on either side of the plate before a meal. If extra utensils are needed, they may be brought to the table along with later courses.
A table cloth extending 10–15 inches past the edge of the table should be used for formal dinners, while placemats may be used for breakfast, lunch, and informal suppers. Candlesticks, even if not lit, should not be on the table while dining during daylight hours.
Men's and unisex hats should never be worn at the table. Ladies' hats may be worn during the day if visiting others.
Phones and other distracting items should not be used at the dining table. Reading at a table is permitted only at breakfast, unless the diner is alone. Urgent matters should be handled, after an apology, by stepping away from the table.
If food must be removed from the mouth for some reason—a pit, bone, or gristle—the rule of thumb according to Emily Post, is that it comes out the same way it went in. For example, if olives are eaten by hand, the pit may be removed by hand. If an olive in a salad is eaten with a fork, the pit should be deposited back onto the fork inside one's mouth, and then placed onto a plate. The same applies to any small bone or piece of gristle in food. A diner should never spit things into in a napkin, certainly not a cloth napkin. Since the napkin is always laid in the lap and brought up only to wipe one's mouth, hidden food may be accidentally dropped into the lap or onto the host's floor. Food that is simply disliked should be swallowed. Non-food items are understandable in any dining situation.
The fork may be used in the American style (in the left hand while cutting and in the right hand to pick up food) or the European Continental style (fork always in the left hand). (See Fork etiquette) The napkin should be left on the seat of a chair only when leaving temporarily.Upon leaving the table at the end of a meal, the napkin is placed loosely on the table to the left of the plate.


In formal settings, the host requests the guest to start the meals. Similarly, one should not leave the table before the host or the eldest person finishes his or her food. It is also considered impolite to leave the table without asking for the host's or the elder's permission. Normally whoever completes first will wait for others and after everybody is finished all leave the table.
In a traditional Indian meal setup, the following is observed. Normally the plate is served with small quantities of all the food items, then the host chants devotional mantra. The host then requests that guests start their meals. The meals are started once 'chitrahuti' (putting small quantities of food outside the plate) and a sip of water in hand called 'Achaman'. Food is normally served by ladies. The host asks everybody to take meals slowly. The host asks guests to take more quantities of sweet food called 'Pakwann'. This ritual is called 'Agraha'. Not doing 'Agraha' is seen as rude. Guests stay at the table until all are finished eating. A 'Paan, sauf or Supari' is offered by the host after meals.
A cardinal rule of dining is to use the right hand when eating or receiving food.Hand washing, both before sitting at a table and after eating, is important. Cleaning with cloth or paper tissue may be considered unhygienic.
Small amounts of food are taken at a time, ensuring that food does not reach the palms of the hands. It is considered important to finish each item on the plate out of respect for the food being served.Traditionally, food should be eaten as it is served, without asking for salt or pepper. It is however, now acceptable to express a personal preference for salt or pepper and to ask for it.
Distorting or playing with food is unacceptable. Eating at a moderate pace is important, as eating too slowly may imply a dislike of the food and eating too quickly is considered rude. Generally it is not acceptable to burp, slurp, or spit. Staring at another diner's plate is also considered rude. It is inappropriate to make sounds while chewing. Certain Indian food items can create sounds, so it is important to close the mouth and chew at a moderate pace.
At the dining table, attention must be paid to specific behaviors that may indicate distrion or rudeness. Answering phone calls, sending messages and using inappropriate language are considered inappropriate while dining and while elders are present.


Seating and serving customs play important roles in Chinese dining etiquette. For example, the diners should not sit down or begin to eat before the host (or guest of honor) has done so. When everyone is seated, the host offers to pour tea, beginning with the cup of the eldest person. The youngest person is served last as a gesture of respect for the elders.
Just as in Western cultures, communal utensils (chopsticks and spoons) are used to bring food from communal dishes to an individual's own bowl (or plate). It is considered rude and unhygienic for a diner to use his or her own chopsticks to pick up food from communal plates and bowls when such utensils are present. Other potentially rude behaviors with chopsticks include playing with them, separating them in any way (such as holding one in each hand), piercing food with them, or standing them vertically in a plate of food. (The latter is especially rude, evoking images of incense or 'joss' sticks used ceremoniously at funerals). A rice bowl may be lifted with one hand to scoop rice into the mouth with chopsticks. It is also considered rude to look for a piece one would prefer on the plate instead of picking up the piece that is closest to the diner as symbol of fairness and sharing to the others.
The last piece of food on a communal dish is never served to oneself without asking for permission. When offered the last bit of food, it is considered rude to refuse the offer. It is considered virtuous for diners to not leave any bit of food on their plates or bowls. Condiments, such as soy sauce or duck sauce, may not be routinely provided at high-quality restaurants. The assumption is that perfectly prepared food needs no condiments and the quality of the food can be best appreciated.

South Korea

In formal settings, a meal is commenced when the eldest or most senior diner at the table partakes of any of the foods on the table. Before partaking, intention to enjoy their meal should be expressed. Similarly, satisfaction or enjoyment of that meal should be expressed at its completion. On occasion, there are some dishes which require additional cooking or serving at the table. In this case, the youngest or lowest-ranked adult diner should perform this task. When serving, diners are served food and drink in descending order starting with the eldest or highest-ranked diner to the youngest or lowest-ranked.
Usually, diners will have a bowl of soup on the right with a bowl of rice to its left. Alternatively, soup may be served in a single large communal pot to be consumed directly or ladled into individual bowls. Dining utensils will include a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. Common chopstick etiquette should be followed (See Chopstick Etiquette), but rice is generally eaten with the spoon instead of chopsticks (as eating rice with chopsticks is considered rude). Often some form of protein (meat, poultry, fish) will be served as a main course and placed at the center of the table within reach of the diners. Banchan will also be distributed throughout the table. If eaten with spoon, banchan is placed on the spoonful of rice before entering the mouth. With chopsticks, however, it is fed to the mouth directly. The last piece of food on a communal dish should not be served to oneself without first asking for permission, but, if offered the last bit of food in the communal dish, it is considered rude to refuse the offer. Bowls of rice or soup should not be picked up off the table while dining, an exception being made for large bowls of Korean noodle soup. Slurping while eating noodles and soup is generally acceptable. It is not uncommon to chew with the mouth open.
If alcohol is served with the meal, it is common practice that when alcohol is first served for the eldest/highest-ranked diner to make a toast and for diners to clink their glasses together before drinking. The clinking of glasses together is often done throughout the meal. A diner should never serve alcohol to themselves. Likewise, it is considered rude to drink alone. Instead, keep pace with other diners and both serve and be served the alcohol. Alcohol should always be served to older and higher-ranked diners with both hands, and younger or lower-ranked diners may turn their face away from other diners when drinking the alcohol.